
2019 is the year of transformation. In fact, every year should be your year of transformation. Every year, every day and every hour should be a time of transformation moving towards the purpose for your life. This page is being's transforming as we speak. So pop in often to see what's new.

The purpose of this page to help jumpstart growth in many areas.

  1. Faith

  2. Mind

  3. Body

  4. Finances

  5. Relationships

  6. .... (more to come)

faith & MIND

Here we will include information, blogs and testimonies to help you transform your faith & your mind.  Below you will find the blog that we already started.


Here we will include health & wellness tips and information that will help you begin to take you body to a whole new level. Including weight loss, exercise and training info. 

Let me give you the first tip about water here for free. Water is essential to our health and healing. It flushes out all the toxins in our system among a number of other benefits. Most of us struggle with drinking an adequate amount of water, because of the lack of taste. One of the ways I help myself is that I like it ice cold so I used crushed ice in it. Then I pick up a "Halo or a Cutie" orange or a few grapes to have during and after. I drink my water. Others place lemons in their water. 

However, let me tell you how much more beneficial it is to drink you water warm. It increases metabolism, diminishes menstrual cramps, helps your natural defenses fight infection, acts a digestive aid and it is a natural detox. There's more in this article.

It's easy to begin to drink more water if you start you day off with a glass right after you go to the rest room. Think of it this way. Water out, then you need water in! Every time you drink a full glass of water, you'll help your body become more routined. We'll go into more details in the program.


Here you will learn all the do's and don'ts to personal & business finance.


Most think that pre-marital counseling is just for folks that are preparing for marriage. These foundational tips are for anyone considering a relationship of any kind as well as those that are already in one. Better late than never!

Stay tuned...