It Ain't Over...

Let's face it. Life can be hell. It can be the most challenging thing in the world. You can feel so isolated and so alone. Nothing seems to go right. Nothing works. It feels like being knee deep in quicksand. It feels like you are abroad a sinking ship. It's _______ if you do and ______ if you don't. It feel like the greatest nightmare that you can ever imagine. Every thing you touch goes to crap and crumbles. It feels like someone's out to get you. It feels like you may as well give up.

Just remember, like the caterpillar you are going through that struggle because you have to strengthen you wings. You have to push and press forward. You have to get out of it what you need in order that you continue to grow. You have to welcome the challenge, because you waste time focusing on the problem. You say, "I can't get out!" and to the  contrary, you are able to make that move anytime you chose. You just have to come to conclusions that you can't make everyone follow you. Being out there on your own must make you more powerful.

No matter the problem, don't ever give up because until God says it's over, then it ain't over...