Felisha Orchid
Felisha Orchid is a vibrant and inspiring minister, teacher and motivational speaker for businesses, professional arenas, radio and churches looking to take their organization to the next level. For three decades she committed to serving the church, organizing and faithfully leading groups, organizations, and corporations to excellence.
As a Keynote Speaker, preacher, teacher and radio host for audiences up to 70,000, Felisha Orchid, encourages people to discover their talent and gifts to use them to their greatest potential. She is committed to transformation and inspiring others to fulfill their purpose and to complete the vision for their destiny.Felisha Orchid utilizes her life stories, challenges, failures, and achievements to motivate others to accomplish the vision that has lived inside of them.
She wrote Make Me Over Again: Ready For Change just to name a few of her achievements. Her charge to transform communities, one person at a time, is more than her mission but is also her purpose. All in all, Felisha Orchid is creative, motivational, and a true visionary.
See her full bio at www.felishaorchid.com
Make Me Over Again: Ready For Change
Haver you stopped dreaming? Life can be challenging, but don't allow the disappointments to get in your way. Let's talk about how you can finally begin to dream again. Eliminate the excuses, overcome your objections and get rid of your circumstances one by one.
You got you where you are right now. Congratulations! That's worth celebrating. However to get to the next level you'll have to start thinking differently. I'll share with you how I made some breakthroughs that freed me from my old way of thinking. These lessons will help propel you to the next level. If you keep doing what you've been doing, then you'll keep getting what you've got. The goal is to make the next step, which will require some additional insight to get you to higher ground.
With a lot of encouragement and stories of perseverance, you will finally find the courage to take that leap of faith. We can make the improbable possible and discover the road worth traveling.
You know how to survive, but do you know how to live? When, in your opinion, is the best time to start walking in your purpose and living the abundant life that we were all promised? The time is now!
This book was written to help you step outside of your comfort zone and get back on the path to fulfilling God's vision for you. It's time to start dreaming again. It's time to recommit and make a life change. Open your mind and heart and allow God to make you over again. It's your turn. Aren't you ready?
Visit Make Me Over Again: Ready For Change for more information.